June 15, 2013

Its GO Time!

WOW! What a fun time hosting my very first silent auction. And for such short notice...I think it was pretty successful with the winning bit coming in at $100. I definitely think the Relay for Life is going to be a permanent fixture in my life and I am already thinking about what I can do next year to raise funds. I definitely see more auctions in my future. With more preparation, there is so much I can do between now and then to create things more "cancer awareness" specific. Since my Dad passed away with Melanoma...who knows...maybe a black ribbon scarf & hat set. We shall see. The wheels in my head are definitely spinning right now.

Today is the Relay for Life and I am super excited about it. We have the kids taken care of (by their sweet Mams) for the night. They are super excited to go spend the night with her and their GG and Papaw. Kevin and I will be able to stay for the whole night at the Relay this year and we are definitely looking forward to being with friends and family as we celebrate those that are still fighting and those that have gone on to be with Jesus.

I definitely had "anxious" sleep last night. Woke up at 2 and couldn't stop thinking about everything I needed to get prepared for the event. Packing, food, making things. This morning I have been working on a sign as our team is hosting the annual Corn Hole event. GOOD TIMES!

The one thing I am REALLY looking forward to tonight is the slideshow and the Luminaria ceremony. I am sure there will be lots of tears shed as I am really missing my Pops right now, but there is a peace that settles in as this ceremony is happening.

Well, thanks to everyone for all their LOVE and SUPPORT as I walk for the 2nd year in the Relay for Life.


June 14, 2013

Infinity Scarf Auction for Cancer Awareness


I am so happy to announce that I have reached my goal of $500 (actually, I have even surpassed that goal thanks to my Aunt Nancy) in efforts to raise funds and awareness for cancer in the Relay for Life that I will be participating in on Saturday, June 15, 2013. THAT'S TOMORROW!!!! I have been racking my brain all week to figure out a way to come up with more funds to go to The American Cancer Society through funds raised doing the Relay. And it came to me EARLY this morning...at 5:30...and I couldn't get back to sleep! So here it is...

I am hosting my first official silent auction!

I have considered selling my creations for quite a while now, but have wrestled with the idea of getting caught up with making things based on the demand of a sale vs. making things for my friends and family because I really enjoy doing that. So this auction brings my heart so much joy because in a sense,  my own personal creation (something I am VERY passionate about) is bringing in a proceed...however, 100% of that proceed is going to something else I am VERY passionate about and that is raising awareness for Cancer Research in the Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society.

Last year I walked with my Dad (in honor of him) who was battling it out with stage IV Melanoma and this year I am walking in memory of him as he has gone on to be with his heavenly father on April 29.

So here is how it works, once this blog posts today, this auction will go to mid-night tonight. I will start the bidding at $30. In the comments section below is where you can post your bids. I will check back on the auction at mid-night tonight and the scarf will go to the highest bidder at that time. So along with your bid I will need one or all of the following in order to notify you:

1) Email
2) Facebook ID
3) Twitter ID

Once I have notified you, your bid will be paid by way of my relay for life dash board (where you can also see my bio and the full reason I am walking). ONCE I see your bid post to my relay dashboard in the full amount, I will send the scarf. There are NO REFUNDS and if the full amount isn't posted, I will send the prize to the next highest bidder as I thank you for your donation :-) . So if the bid comes through on my dashboard early enough I can have this scarf in the mail tomorrow morning. So that said, please make sure you check your email, facebook, twitter account for notice and that way I can get your mailing info as soon as possible for your prize.

So for the prize (and I apologize in advance, I am not a photographer...these aren't the greatest pictures):

 A little info about the scarf...its my personal pattern. I named this scarf after my BFF "Christy". All my patterns are named after someone I love. There is a twist in the scarf. So technically it is a mobius and it just adds a little more "character" to the scarf. An infinity scarf can be worn draped long (like the first picture) or doubled up for a bunchy effect. The last picture is just a close up so you get a better idea of how the pattern looks.

So for the winner, if you are a crocheter, as a bonus I am happy to send you the written pattern. Please be sure to follow care instructions as this will shrink in the wash if not handled properly.

The scarf is made with shadow lace yarn (2 hanks)
color: Nocturne Heather
 100% Merino Wool


 Lace Weight
 Hand Wash/Dry Flat
 (this yarn can be purchased at Knitpicks)

Don't forget to come check out my bio on my relay for life dash board: RELAY FOR LIFE